Music Performers and Listeners become the Sounding Board of the Soul

Because of Meaningful Symbols Used by Their Soul Signs

Each color has its own frequency and wave length energy

Transcendence is the frequency of purple , and it enhances your hearing

Spiritual wisdom is the energy of purple

Green lights represent renewal and regeneration coming from deep within the soul

Green harmonizes positive and negative energies, while orange is the color of joy and the color of dance

"When colors display symbols, The color yellow indicates these are coming from a deep spiritual place." - Angeles Arrien

Every Drum beat is a Heart beat That Becomes

the Contraction and Expansion of Consciousness

Blue is the dominant color of the throat chakra. Blue resonance enhances the ability to "tune in" to others

and makes music an expression of truth.

The throat represents the bridge that must be crossed in order to move from the physical to the spiritual realm. 

Percussion will clear the mind of intrusive thoughts, ground your energy, and remove fears,

while the guitars open your heart.

The pink colors represent spiritual love

What the colors that these musicians used symbolize are just some of the symbols

that enhance meanings and intentions found deep within the unconsciousness

in each of their unique Soul Signs  and how they powerfully bring about deep feelings

in the hearts of their listeners


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